Free Public APIs

A collection of 374 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

Tested every single day.

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Public Data

Transparency at your fingertips—APIs that unlock the world’s public data.

🚉Railway Station Photos

OpenData project to collect railway station photos from many countries. More and more countries are added over time. Most photos are CC0 licensed and can be used freely. The railway stations with their photos can also be viewed on the website and in the Android and iOS Apps. These apps also implement the API and can be examined on GitHub: The full OpenAPI Spec can be found here:

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

🌍bng2latlong Converter

This API converts OSGB36 easting and northing coordinates (British National Grid) into WGS84 latitude and longitude. It can return responses in both JSON and XML formats, making it versatile for different applications.

1 Endpoint

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🗺️Nominatim API

The Nominatim API is a web service for searching OpenStreetMap (OSM) objects based on their name or type. It provides various endpoints for searching, reverse geocoding, address lookup, and server status inquiries, catering to different needs of developers and users.

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📫Zippopotamus Zip Code API

The Zippopotamus API provides postal and zip code data for over 60 countries, allowing users to easily access detailed location information. It is particularly useful for form auto-completion and supports JSON response format for seamless integration.

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🇧🇷Brasil API

Acesso programático de informações relacionadas a CEPs, bancos, CNPJ, IBGE, feriados nacionais, tabela FIPE e muito mais, fornecendo endpoints modernos com baixa latência. Este projeto busca centralizar dados públicos para uma fácil e rápida consulta em aplicações.

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🗺️IP Geolocation API

The IP2Location API provides a RESTful interface for determining the geographical location of users based on their IP addresses in real time. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 lookups, returning detailed information such as country, city, and coordinates without requiring an API key for up to 500 queries daily.

1 Endpoint

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🏙️Kölner Adressen API

This API provides access to a dataset containing addresses within the city of Cologne. It includes geospatial information and various formats for data retrieval, enabling navigation and analysis of geographic data related to buildings and urban structures.

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🦈Global Shark Attack API

The Global Shark Attack File (GSAF) API offers access to a comprehensive dataset of human-shark interactions, including detailed incident reports categorized by type, such as unprovoked, provoked, boat-related, war-related, and questionable incidents. Users can explore bite patterns, species identification, and circumstances surrounding shark encounters, providing valuable insights for researchers, enthusiasts, and conservationists interested in understanding shark behavior and the rarity of shark attacks.

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📊Data USA

Browse 47,000+ automated reports, view aggregated data, merge and download data, compare reports

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📧Throwaway Email API

The Throwaway Email API allows users to check if an email address is from a disposable domain. It provides endpoints to search by domain name or email address. This service is useful for validating and filtering unwanted temporary emails.

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🌐EC2 Shop API

A simple and fast API to get Amazon EC2 instance pricing right from your terminal. Supports filtering and sorting by various attributes like memory, CPU, price, and spot price. Provides up-to-date pricing data for on-demand and spot instances, refreshed every 2.5 minutes.

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🌍World Bank Data API

The World Bank Data API provides access to a wide array of economic, financial, and social data from over 200 countries. It allows developers to integrate World Bank datasets into their applications and services, facilitating data-driven decision-making for research and policy development.

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🚆Transport API

Swiss public transport API with endpoints for locations, connections, and stationboard

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🇫🇷French Address API

Official French address validation service. It provides endpoints for both forward and reverse geocoding, as well as the ability to perform batch geocoding from CSV files.

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🌍Carbon Intensity API

Official API for Carbon Intensity in Great Britain provided by National Grid. Allows access to current and historical carbon intensity data for different regions and time periods.

4 Endpoints

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🚲PubliBike Stations API

Provides information about PubliBike stations, their states, positions, and available vehicles. Includes endpoints to get all stations, a specific station with vehicles, and all stations for partners.

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👶Neugeborenen Vornamen Kanton St.Gallen

Provides dataset of newborn first names in the Canton of St.Gallen since 1987, based on official registry data from the Federal Office for Civil Status. Names with less than five occurrences per year are grouped under 'other names' for privacy reasons.

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📅Church Calendar API

The Church Calendar API provides access to calendar data for any day, allowing users to retrieve various liturgical celebrations and details. It supports multiple languages and enables specific queries for feast names and calendar descriptions based on the selected calendar system.

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🚲CityBikes API

API for accessing CityBikes data including network information, station details, and field filtering.

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📅Public Holiday API

An API for public holiday data. Supports over 100 countries. Provides information on holidays and long weekends.

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Full stack RESTful API for entity lists, single entity access, and complex query built requests. Public API with versioning and no user authentication.

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🅿️Parkhaus Basel API

Provides minute-by-minute occupancy data for public parking garages in Basel, Switzerland, sourced from the RSS feed of the Basel parking guidance system.

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🟢4chan API

4chan's read-only JSON API

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🚶Passantenfrequenz Stadt St.Gallen

Measures pedestrian traffic in St. Gallen, showing the number of pedestrians passing by a sensor on Vadianstrasse.

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Access data via RESTful API with endpoints for attributes, find, identify, providers, and regions.

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🦠Virenmonitoring API

Provides data on RNA copies of specified viruses in the wastewater of ARA Basel, along with corresponding case numbers. Data is updated weekly and includes information on SARS-CoV-2, RSV, Influenza A, and Influenza B.

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Open Food Facts is a food products database made by everyone, for everyone. You can use it to make better food choices, and as it is open data, anyone can re-use it for any purpose.

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🔌Energy-Charts API

Provides access to energy data. Allows users to retrieve and analyze energy consumption information.

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⛰️Open-Elevation API

Open-Elevation is a free and open-source elevation API that provides elevation data for geographical points. Users can easily access elevation information over a broad dataset, offering a reliable alternative to commercial elevation services.

1 Endpoint

92 API Health

🚇Metropolitano de Lisboa

The Lisbon Metro API provides access to comprehensive data on the Lisbon Metro system, including historical and current information about stations, lines, schedules, and passenger statistics. The API allows users to access details about the development and expansion of the metro network, its operational history, and key milestones.

1 Endpoint

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🔍Check e-mail or username for a data breach

LeakCheck is a service that enables users and companies to ascertain whether their credentials have been compromised. By utilising this API, users can ascertain whether their email address or username has been involved in any data breach.

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🚆Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

This API provides departure, delay, and cancellation data from the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) for the previous day. It compares scheduled (soll) vs. actual (ist) operations.

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Provides metadata about datasets in the catalog powered by CKAN, including URLs and descriptions, but not the actual data within each dataset.

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REST API mapping current zip codes in Mexico, provides CSV or Excel files from official site.

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😎Stoicism Quote API

This API generates stoicism quotes to help you live a better life using Stoicism wisdom.

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🌞Free UV Index API

Provides real-time UV Index and 5 day Hourly UV Index Forecast globally without API Key. Single endpoint for current UV Index and forecast based on latitude/longitude.

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🌳Woody API

Provides access to random woody images and information through a REST API.

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🌐MediaWiki Action API

A web service providing access to wiki features like authentication, page operations, and search. It offers meta information about the wiki and logged-in user.

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📍Ziptastic API

Ziptastic API allows users to retrieve location information based on the zip code provided. It returns details such as the country, state, and city associated with each zip code, making it easy to integrate location lookup into applications.

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📜Federal Register API

The Federal Register API provides access to data from the Federal Register, allowing users to fetch single or multiple documents, perform searches, and access metadata associated with these documents. This API returns data in both CSV and JSON formats, and no API keys are required for use.

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🇨🇦Open Government Portal

This API allows users to search and access datasets from the Government of Canada. It facilitates learning how to work with datasets and provides insights into how government data has been utilized.

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🇨🇦Represent Officials API

This API provides access to information about elected officials and electoral districts in Canada. Users can find representatives based on postal codes or geographical coordinates, retrieve boundary sets, and explore details about elections and candidates.

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🌐 Content API

The Content API provides developers with access to educational content and resources related to the Health Insurance Marketplace in JSON format. This allows applications and websites to integrate and display up-to-date information directly from, supporting open data and accessibility for all users.

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🩺NPPES NPI Registry

The NPPES API provides a real-time alternative to accessing NPPES public data, allowing users to retrieve detailed information about healthcare providers using their National Provider Identifier (NPI). Unlike the traditional method of batch downloads, this API facilitates faster and more efficient queries for provider data. The API currently operates with version 2.1, enhancing accessibility and ease of use.

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🖼️Homepage Screenshot API

This API provides fast and efficient screenshots of specified web pages. Users can request screenshots for various dates, sizes, and formats, making it ideal for web monitoring and analysis.

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🖼️Openverse API

Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media. The Openverse API enables programmatic access to public domain digital media, allowing developers to integrate and utilize a vast collection of openly-licensed works including articles, songs, videos, and images in their applications.

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🤯Free Public APIs API

FreePublicAPIs now has a free public API! The Free Public APIs API provides up-to-date information on every free public API listed on Perfect for developers, students and hobbyists. It is limited to 1000 requests a day, if you need more, feel free to reach out. Also if you build something with this API, make sure to add it as a showcase project here.

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🏙️Countries & Cities API

Provides population and geographical data for countries and cities. Use it to get detailed information on populations, locations, flags, currencies, capitals, and more. Access endpoints to retrieve single city data, country codes, and other related details. No API key required.

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🌍Earthquake Catalog API

This API allows users to perform custom searches for earthquake information based on various parameters, such as location, time, and magnitude. It adheres to the FDSN Event Web Service Specifications, providing a structured way to access earthquake data.

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🚶‍♂️Passantenfrequenzen Zürich

Dieses API ermöglicht den Zugriff auf Daten zu Passantenfrequenzen an verschiedenen Standorten in Zürich. Die Messungen werden stündlich aktualisiert und umfassen Informationen über die Anzahl der Passanten, unterteilt nach Zonen, Geschlecht und Laufrichtung sowie Wetterdaten.

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🗳Dedline API

A static API that provides information about US election registration deadlines. It includes endpoints for accessing data on all states, state-specific information, and details about online registration availability.

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💱Kekkai Currency API

Kekkai is an open-source API that allows you to collect and save historical currency data from various sources. It supports both cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, enabling users to create exchange rate charts easily.

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📰API2NEWS Endpoint

The API2NEWS Endpoint provides access to the latest news stories from various sources, including BBC, TechCrunch, and CNN. Users can retrieve articles by making GET requests to specific endpoints for each publication, including filtering by query parameters for specific articles.

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🇳🇱Dutch Customer Data API

Verify and standardize Dutch customer and business data, including addresses, phone numbers, emails, URLs, VAT, IBAN, Chamber of Commerce (KvK) numbers, and postal codes.

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🏛️Municipal Finance API

This API provides access to current and historical financial data from South African municipalities, enabling users to gather insights about municipal finances. It includes data sets covering various aspects of municipal financial performance and accountability, sourced from the National Treasury.

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🌇Sunset Times API

Provides sunset and sunrise times for a given latitude and longitude using a simple REST API

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🗳️Wahlumfragen Datenbank API

Die API von DAWUM stellt eine umfassende Datenbank für Wahlumfragen als JSON-Datei zur Verfügung. Sie ermöglicht den Zugriff auf aktuelle Umfrageergebnisse für verschiedene politische Parteien in Deutschland unter der Lizenz ODC-ODbL.

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🇨🇴Colombia Public API

API-Colombia is a public RESTful API that provides access to a wide range of data about Colombia, including information on departments, regions, and tourist attractions. Users can explore public information without the need for authentication, making it easy to discover diverse aspects of the country.

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📊openFDA API

openFDA provides access to a variety of public data related to FDA-regulated products. It offers APIs for searching FDA data for drugs, devices, food, and other relevant categories crucial for healthcare decisions and research.

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📊Colorado Information Marketplace

Explore a wide range of public datasets and resources from the Colorado Information Marketplace, including information on government revenue and expenditures, transportation, demographics, business, and more. Access charts, maps, datasets, and documents to gain insights into various aspects of life in Colorado. A valuable tool for researchers, businesses, and the general public seeking data-driven insights.

1 Endpoint

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📊Shodan EntityDB API

The Shodan EntityDB API provides fast lookups for business entities, offering a centralized repository of financial overviews and executive information for entities listed in the US. Access critical financial metrics, analyze performance, and explore leadership teams to make informed investment decisions, conduct industry research, and connect with key decision-makers.

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🇧🇩NID Application System

The Bangladesh NID Application System API allows users to register for a national identity card, claim their accounts, and manage related services through a web-based platform. It provides functionalities for document uploads and information retrieval while ensuring user authentication and approval processes.

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Fuel Prices at Spanish Gas Stations

Provides information about fuel prices at gas stations in Spain.

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🏠Address Lookup Service

The Address Lookup Service API provides a means for users to retrieve address records based on input address information. Users can submit both GET and POST requests to search for address details using free-text format inputs, facilitating easy access to relevant address data.

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🗺️ArcGIS Hub - World Countries Generalized

The World Countries Generalized layer provides a simplified representation of global country boundaries, optimized for performance and visibility at broader scales (1:5,000,000 and beyond). Developed by Esri using data from Garmin International, the CIA World Factbook, and the National Geographic Society, this layer is updated annually to reflect changes in country names and significant borders. Ideal for applications requiring an authoritative, generalized world basemap.

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🌙Gregorian Lunar Calendar

This API provides conversion between Gregorian and Lunar dates. Users can fetch the Lunar date corresponding to a specified Gregorian date through a simple query.

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⚠️Heat Stress Warning API

This API provides the latest information regarding heat stress warnings at work in different languages including English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. Users can access datasets in various formats for download, enabling easy integration into applications or analysis processes.

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📍iAM Smart API

The iAM Smart API provides information about registration locations for the iAM Smart service, which facilitates digital identity verification in Hong Kong. It delivers data regarding service counters, mobile registration points, and self-registration kiosks for users.

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🏥Chinese Medicine Clinics

This API provides access to the attendance data of Chinese medicine clinics and training and research centers. Users can access datasets including annual attendances categorized by languages such as English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.

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The API provides programmatic access to datasets published by the Australian government. It allows users to search, filter, and retrieve detailed information about datasets, including metadata and download options.

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🏛️Parlament Open Data

Provides machine-readable data on parliamentary activities in Switzerland.

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🏙️Hong Kong CSDI

The Hong Kong CSDI Portal provides access to a range of geospatial data and applications aimed at supporting data sharing and government initiatives. It centralizes resources for spatial data, making it easier for users to find and utilize geographic information.

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📊Visitor Statistics API

This API provides access to data regarding visitor arrivals in Hong Kong by country and region of residence. Users can retrieve this data in various formats including JSON, CSV, and XLSX for analysis and reporting purposes.

1 Endpoint

80 API Health

💧Water Quality Archive

The Water Quality Archive provides comprehensive data on water quality measurements from various sampling points across England including coastal, river, lake, and groundwater sources. It supports compliance assessment, pollution investigation, and environmental monitoring with data available dating back to 2000.

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🚌Real Time Bus Data

This API provides real-time arrival data for Kowloon Motor Bus and Long Win Bus services. It includes routes, stops, and the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for bus services based on live data updates.

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🌊Red Tide Information

This API provides updated information on red tides sighted in Hong Kong waters, including species and location. It facilitates access to datasets for both commercial and non-commercial use, ensuring transparency and availability of essential environmental data.

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🚆Konkan Railway Live Position

This API provides real-time data on the positions of trains operating within the Konkan Railway network. Users can access live tracking information to improve travel planning and schedule management.

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🚽Refuge Restrooms API

Provides access to gender-neutral restroom locations and information. Users can search for restrooms by address or current location.

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🕰️Wayback Machine API

The Wayback Machine API enables developers to check if a specific URL has been archived and is accessible in the Wayback Machine. It provides a simple interface to retrieve information about archived snapshots of web pages, including the ability to specify timestamps for historical captures.

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🌐PhantomJsCloud API

PhantomJsCloud API offers a REST-like, JSON-based interface for web page rendering and automation. It allows you to submit page requests and receive various output formats like JPEG, PNG, and PDF while handling page interactions via an automation API.

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💰USAspending API

The USAspending API provides public access to comprehensive U.S. government spending data, including federal contracts and grants. It helps users understand spending trends and accountability through award and agency breakdowns, as mandated by the DATA Act.

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🗽NYC Open Data

Helps New Yorkers use and learn about City data

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🚆iRail API

The iRail API provides access to Belgium's railway data, including train schedules, stations, liveboards, connections, vehicles, and disturbances. It allows developers to create applications that can access real-time train information and service updates.

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📜USPTO API Catalog

The USPTO API Catalog provides developers with access to various APIs related to intellectual property. It includes information about registering, searching, and managing patents and trademarks, allowing for easy integration of government data into applications.

1 Endpoint

25 API Health

🛠️API Tools

API Tools – Access over 30+ REST APIs, all completely free with no usage limits. Explore a wide range of tools designed for everyone, no sign-up or restrictions required!

1 Endpoint

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🕒World Time API

Simple JSON/plain-text API to obtain the current time in, and related data about, a timezone.

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