Free Public APIs

A collection of 348 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

Tested every single day.

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The best of Swiss precision—APIs that are as reliable as a Swiss watch. Hopefully.

📊Visitor Frequencies Lucerne (CH)

Live visitor frequencies in public spaces in Lucerne, Switzerland.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

📫Zippopotamus Zip Code API

The Zippopotamus API provides postal and zip code data for over 60 countries, allowing users to easily access detailed location information. It is particularly useful for form auto-completion and supports JSON response format for seamless integration.

2 Endpoints

95 API Health

🅿️Parking St.Gallen

Allows searching and downloading parking records in Stadt St.Gallen with various parameters. Data includes parking locations, availability, occupancy, and more.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

📻Radio SRF 1

API providing information about currently played music on Radio SRF 1 including song titles and artists.

1 Endpoint

94 API Health

📻Radio Basilisk

Radio Basilisk provides daily information and entertainment to 100,000 listeners in the Basel region. This API shows the last played songs on Radio Basilisk.

1 Endpoint

93 API Health

💱Forex Trading API

The Forex Trading API allows users to access the foreign exchange market for trading currencies and precious metals. It facilitates trading over 80 currency pairs with comprehensive trading options and insights into market performance.

2 Endpoints

93 API Health

🚶‍♂️Passantenfrequenzen Zürich

Dieses API ermöglicht den Zugriff auf Daten zu Passantenfrequenzen an verschiedenen Standorten in Zürich. Die Messungen werden stündlich aktualisiert und umfassen Informationen über die Anzahl der Passanten, unterteilt nach Zonen, Geschlecht und Laufrichtung sowie Wetterdaten.

2 Endpoints

90 API Health

🦠Virenmonitoring API

Provides data on RNA copies of specified viruses in the wastewater of ARA Basel, along with corresponding case numbers. Data is updated weekly and includes information on SARS-CoV-2, RSV, Influenza A, and Influenza B.

2 Endpoints

83 API Health

📊Berufsbildung Daten Exporte

API zur Exportierung von Daten zu Lehrverträgen und Abschlüssen der Berufsbildung seit 2017, einschließlich Anzahl der Lehrverträge, neu registrierten Lehrverträgen und Abschlüssen der Qualifikationsverfahren nach Ausbildungsfeldern.

2 Endpoints

83 API Health


Public API for Aare river data including temperature, flow rate, weather forecasts, and more. Non-commercial use allowed with customizable app and version parameters.

4 Endpoints

83 API Health

🏛️Parlament Open Data

Provides machine-readable data on parliamentary activities in Switzerland.

3 Endpoints

81 API Health

🚆Transport API

Swiss public transport API with endpoints for locations, connections, and stationboard

3 Endpoints

79 API Health

🚲PubliBike Stations API

Provides information about PubliBike stations, their states, positions, and available vehicles. Includes endpoints to get all stations, a specific station with vehicles, and all stations for partners.

3 Endpoints

78 API Health


Access data via RESTful API with endpoints for attributes, find, identify, providers, and regions.

1 Endpoint

71 API Health

🏠Thurgau Population Data

API providing data on the permanent population of the Thurgau canton since 2007. Includes information on residents with main residence in Thurgau and specific considerations for foreign population.

1 Endpoint

71 API Health

🚲Nextbike API

Nextbike Bikesharing API

4 Endpoints

69 API Health

📻Energy Radio Stations

Provides various radio stations with different music genres and themes.

1 Endpoint

66 API Health

🚶Passantenfrequenz Stadt St.Gallen

Measures pedestrian traffic in St. Gallen, showing the number of pedestrians passing by a sensor on Vadianstrasse.

1 Endpoint

61 API Health