Free Public APIs

A collection of 383 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

Tested every single day.

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APIs to keep your projects movingβ€”on wheels, wings, or rails.

πŸš‚ transit APIs

Provides transit APIs for different regions such as Germany, Poland, Berlin-Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Europe, and England.

3 Endpoints

100 API Health

⚠️Error Handling API

This API provides standardized error messages and status codes for various requests. It helps developers understand and fix issues by providing specific feedback when requests fail.

1 Endpoint

100 API Health

🚲Nextbike API

Nextbike Bikesharing API

4 Endpoints

95 API Health

πŸ…ΏοΈParking St.Gallen

Allows searching and downloading parking records in Stadt St.Gallen with various parameters. Data includes parking locations, availability, occupancy, and more.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🚲CityBikes API

API for accessing CityBikes data including network information, station details, and field filtering.

2 Endpoints

95 API Health

πŸš‰Railway Station Photos

OpenData project to collect railway station photos from many countries. More and more countries are added over time. Most photos are CC0 licensed and can be used freely. The railway stations with their photos can also be viewed on the website and in the Android and iOS Apps. These apps also implement the API and can be examined on GitHub: The full OpenAPI Spec can be found here:

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

πŸ“‘Abhi API

Abhi API offers a variety of free APIs for different purposes including anime data, downloads, fun facts, games, logo generation, and tools for tasks like shortening URLs and text-to-speech functionalities. It provides user-friendly endpoints for developers to integrate into their applications or projects.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health


Access data via RESTful API with endpoints for attributes, find, identify, providers, and regions.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

πŸš‡Metropolitano de Lisboa

The Lisbon Metro API provides access to comprehensive data on the Lisbon Metro system, including historical and current information about stations, lines, schedules, and passenger statistics. The API allows users to access details about the development and expansion of the metro network, its operational history, and key milestones.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

β›ͺOpenSanctum API

OpenSanctum API provides detailed information about various places of worship and religious traditions around the world. It is designed for users interested in exploring sacred sites, spiritual practices, and diverse faiths globally.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

πŸš†Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

This API provides departure, delay, and cancellation data from the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) for the previous day. It compares scheduled (soll) vs. actual (ist) operations.

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

πŸš†Transport API

Swiss public transport API with endpoints for locations, connections, and stationboard

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

🚌Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

The V3 API provides fast and easy access to Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority schedules, alerts, and real-time transportation information. It follows the JSON API format, allowing developers to quickly integrate and utilize public transit data.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

✈️AviationWeather Data API

This API provides machine-to-machine access to aviation weather data, including METARs, TAFs, AIRMETs, and SIGMETs. It enables users to fetch up-to-date weather information for flight planning and operations. The service allows queries for the past 15 days of data and provides cache options for efficient data retrieval.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

🚲PubliBike Stations API

Provides information about PubliBike stations, their states, positions, and available vehicles. Includes endpoints to get all stations, a specific station with vehicles, and all stations for partners.

3 Endpoints

89 API Health

πŸ…ΏοΈParkleitsystem API

Provides real-time information on available parking spaces in connected parking garages in cities like Basel, Zurich, Bern, Luzern, St.Gallen, and Zug. Developed by Simon Jenny for the Pebble.Parking-App.

2 Endpoints

80 API Health

πŸš†iRail API

The iRail API provides access to Belgium's railway data, including train schedules, stations, liveboards, connections, vehicles, and disturbances. It allows developers to create applications that can access real-time train information and service updates.

1 Endpoint

62 API Health