Free Public APIs

A collection of 383 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

Tested every single day.

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Navigate your world with APIs that map your path, from local routes to global adventures.

⚠️API Error Handler

This API is designed to manage and provide standardized responses for different error scenarios encountered during API calls. It ensures that error messages are consistent and useful for end-users and developers alike.

1 Endpoint

100 API Health

⚠️Error Handling API

This API provides standardized error messages and status codes for various requests. It helps developers understand and fix issues by providing specific feedback when requests fail.

1 Endpoint

100 API Health

🌍Open Topo Data

Open Topo Data is a REST API server that provides access to elevation data. Users can utilize the free public API or host their own server with customizable datasets.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

📡Abhi API

Abhi API offers a variety of free APIs for different purposes including anime data, downloads, fun facts, games, logo generation, and tools for tasks like shortening URLs and text-to-speech functionalities. It provides user-friendly endpoints for developers to integrate into their applications or projects.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🌍bng2latlong Converter

This API converts OSGB36 easting and northing coordinates (British National Grid) into WGS84 latitude and longitude. It can return responses in both JSON and XML formats, making it versatile for different applications.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🗺️Nominatim API

The Nominatim API is a web service for searching OpenStreetMap (OSM) objects based on their name or type. It provides various endpoints for searching, reverse geocoding, address lookup, and server status inquiries, catering to different needs of developers and users.

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

📡IPinfo Developer API

The IPinfo Developer API provides access to comprehensive IP address data, including geolocation, ASN, company information, and privacy detection features. Developers can integrate this data into their applications to customize user experiences and enhance data-driven decisions.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🇨🇳Chinese Holiday Calendar

This API provides a comprehensive listing of public holidays in China for the year 2024. It includes the date, name of the holiday, and whether it is an off day or not.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🗺️IP Geolocation API

The IP2Location API provides a RESTful interface for determining the geographical location of users based on their IP addresses in real time. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 lookups, returning detailed information such as country, city, and coordinates without requiring an API key for up to 500 queries daily.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🌍Free Elevation API

This API provides access to elevation data for any point on Earth without any cost. Users can retrieve elevation information by making GET requests with latitude and longitude parameters.

2 Endpoints

95 API Health

🚉Railway Station Photos

OpenData project to collect railway station photos from many countries. More and more countries are added over time. Most photos are CC0 licensed and can be used freely. The railway stations with their photos can also be viewed on the website and in the Android and iOS Apps. These apps also implement the API and can be examined on GitHub: The full OpenAPI Spec can be found here:

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

🌍Earthquake Catalog API

This API allows users to perform custom searches for earthquake information based on various parameters, such as location, time, and magnitude. It adheres to the FDSN Event Web Service Specifications, providing a structured way to access earthquake data.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

🌍IP Geo Currency API

This API provides geolocation information and currency data based on a user's IP address. It allows developers to retrieve IP details such as country, city, and currency exchange rates through simple HTTP requests.

3 Endpoints

95 API Health

OpenSanctum API

OpenSanctum API provides detailed information about various places of worship and religious traditions around the world. It is designed for users interested in exploring sacred sites, spiritual practices, and diverse faiths globally.

1 Endpoint

95 API Health

📫Zippopotamus Zip Code API

The Zippopotamus API provides postal and zip code data for over 60 countries, allowing users to easily access detailed location information. It is particularly useful for form auto-completion and supports JSON response format for seamless integration.

2 Endpoints

94 API Health

🔍IP Proxy Detection provides a free API that detects proxy, VPN, and malicious IP addresses to prevent fraud and abuse on online platforms. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze IP behavior and issue a probability score indicating the likelihood of an IP being fraudulent or abusive.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

📮ViaCEP Address Lookup

ViaCEP is a free web service that allows users to query Brazilian postal codes (CEPs) and retrieve address information in JSON or XML format. The service supports AJAX requests and facilitates easy integration for address autofill and validation in applications.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

🍞Give Food API

This API provides access to the largest public database of food banks in the UK, including details about their locations and the items they need donated. Users can retrieve this data in various formats such as JSON, GeoJSON, XML, or YAML, facilitating numerous applications in addressing food insecurity.

2 Endpoints

90 API Health

📍Ziptastic API

Ziptastic API allows users to retrieve location information based on the zip code provided. It returns details such as the country, state, and city associated with each zip code, making it easy to integrate location lookup into applications.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

🇧🇷Brasil API

Acesso programático de informações relacionadas a CEPs, bancos, CNPJ, IBGE, feriados nacionais, tabela FIPE e muito mais, fornecendo endpoints modernos com baixa latência. Este projeto busca centralizar dados públicos para uma fácil e rápida consulta em aplicações.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

🔍Check e-mail or username for a data breach

LeakCheck is a service that enables users and companies to ascertain whether their credentials have been compromised. By utilising this API, users can ascertain whether their email address or username has been involved in any data breach.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

🏙️Countries & Cities API

Provides population and geographical data for countries and cities. Use it to get detailed information on populations, locations, flags, currencies, capitals, and more. Access endpoints to retrieve single city data, country codes, and other related details. No API key required.

1 Endpoint

90 API Health

⛰️Open-Elevation API

Open-Elevation is a free and open-source elevation API that provides elevation data for geographical points. Users can easily access elevation information over a broad dataset, offering a reliable alternative to commercial elevation services.

1 Endpoint

89 API Health


The NASA Open APIs provide developers with easy access to a wide range of NASA data, including imagery and scientific information. These APIs are designed to enhance the usability of NASA's dataset for developers, educators, and researchers.

2 Endpoints

85 API Health

🏙️Hong Kong CSDI

The Hong Kong CSDI Portal provides access to a range of geospatial data and applications aimed at supporting data sharing and government initiatives. It centralizes resources for spatial data, making it easier for users to find and utilize geographic information.

1 Endpoint

85 API Health

🗺️ArcGIS Hub - World Countries Generalized

The World Countries Generalized layer provides a simplified representation of global country boundaries, optimized for performance and visibility at broader scales (1:5,000,000 and beyond). Developed by Esri using data from Garmin International, the CIA World Factbook, and the National Geographic Society, this layer is updated annually to reflect changes in country names and significant borders. Ideal for applications requiring an authoritative, generalized world basemap.

2 Endpoints

85 API Health

🌐GeoNet API

The GeoNet API allows developers to run common network tools from servers located around the world, facilitating the identification of network behavior based on user region. It includes functionalities like GeoPing for latency measurement and GeoDNS for DNS record lookups.

2 Endpoints

80 API Health