Free Public APIs

A collection of 311 Free Public APIs for Students and Developers.

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🔍VAT Validation API


Allows VAT number validation, geolocation, and exchange rates for VAT compliance.


Currently, there are no Showcases using this API.


Check if VAT number is valid

Last 30 Days

96 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

758 ms

3 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

6 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Check currency rates of foreign currencies

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

230 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

3 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Returns your visitors country code by geolocating your visitor

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

172 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

3 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Returns your visitors country code by geolocating your visitor

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

371 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

2 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

A date parameter returns historical rates data for any date since 04.01.1999

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

248 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

2 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Rates quote against the EUR by default. You can quote against other currencies using the base parameter

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

232 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

2 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago


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