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☀️UV Index API


The UV Index API provides real-time data on ultraviolet index levels for various locations in Singapore. Users can retrieve the latest UV index information updated every hour between 7 AM and 7 PM. The API allows for filtering by date or datetime via query parameters.


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Retrieve the latest UV index information Singapore

Last 30 Days

98 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

1754 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

13 hours ago

Endpoint Added

14 days ago

24h Weather Forecast Singapore

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

1679 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

13 hours ago

Endpoint Added

14 days ago


Last 30 Days

98 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

1839 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

13 hours ago

Endpoint Added

14 days ago


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