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🔍Datamuse API


The Datamuse API is a powerful word-finding query engine designed for developers. It enables applications to find words that match various constraints regarding meaning, spelling, sound, and context, making it versatile for many linguistic applications.


Currently, there are no Showcases using this API.


words with a meaning similar to ringing in the ears

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

631 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

an hour ago

Endpoint Added

a month ago

words that sound like jirraf

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

651 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

40 minutes ago

Endpoint Added

a month ago

words related to duck that start with the letter b*

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

632 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

30 minutes ago

Endpoint Added

a month ago


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