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🤣Chuck Norris Jokes API


A free JSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris facts, including random jokes and categories. Also offers Slack integration and Facebook Messenger support.


Currently, there are no Showcases using this API.


Get History Jokes

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

239 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

5 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Get random Chuck Norris Joke

Last 30 Days

98 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

388 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

5 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago

Get Chuck Norris Joke Categories

Last 30 Days

100 % Reliability

Avg. Response Time

312 ms

0 % Error Rate

Endpoint Checked

5 hours ago

Endpoint Added

4 months ago


Currently, there are no Comments for this API.